Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Riddle ZONE XII

Flying high above your head
Like a common needle thread.
If I fail to stay up high,
I am pretty sure I’ll die.
What am I?
(Air plane)

I’m very hard to break.
Please don’t use a rake.
I come out of the ground,
But you’ll have to wait
Till the right year
rolls around.
What am I?
(A rock)

2 by: LiveLove

I am as flat as flat can be,
As white as a ghost,
Many things I can tell.
I am used by everyone,
Home or school.
What am I?
At the beginning of the thesaurus,
At the beginning of every end.
Every bee has one…
Who am I?
2 by: SOS
I roll like a race car on a track.
I am long and thin,
But one part of me is fat.
I can be many colors, sizes, shapes.
I am fast but depend on you to go.
What am I?

I am fuzzy and fast,
But I love to be lazy.
Like a rock I sleep until I wake;
That’s when I’m the top predator,
But even when I’ve caught my catch
I’ll steal your food and take a rest.
What am I?
(A cat)
2 by: PunkyGnome666