Friday, June 5, 2009

Jeff’s Friend

A Fred Figglehorn Production

“OK, I’m going to the plain by the lake.” said Jeff

“Be back by Sunday.” Kelly responded.

Jeff grabbed his camping equipment, put on his shoes, left the biology lab, and slammed the door shut. When Jeff arrived at the plain, he began to pitch his tent and start a fire. Jeff started to look around for animals. He heard an owl, cricket, and a frog.

“Ahhh!!!” Jeff shrieked. A fawn had nudged his arm. He scared the fawn away. Jeff then decided it was time to go to bed. When Jeff woke up, he crawled out of the tent and looked directly at the lake, a moose was drinking from the lake. He grabbed his camera and took a picture of the moose. He started to cook breakfast. A few animals came to see what the smell was, including a raccoon, fox, and the fawn he had scared. He took pictures of the animals and continued to cook. He ate his breakfast and decided to get to work. He had been looking for a bear for about two and a half hours. He was hiding behind trees and boulders trying to keep from startling the animals.

It was about four in the afternoon when Jeff decided to call it a day and went to bed. He woke up and decided to try and look for a bear again. He looked in a different area, by the lake. On his way to the lake, he said to himself, “OK, this is my second day here and I still haven’t found any evidence as to why bears in this area can be vicious.” When he arrived at the lake, he saw ducks swimming in the water. He looked to his left, nothing. He looked to his right, nothing. He looked in the forest area, nothing. He went back to his camp, “Oh my God,” he gently said. A bear was rummaging through his back pack.

It looked at Jeff. Jeff looked at it. The bear snarled. Jeff stepped back a couple feet. The bear stepped forward a couple feet. Jeff slowly walked backwards to his truck; the bear followed. The bear growled and leaped forward. Jeff opened his truck door, got in his truck, started the truck, and left.

“Oh my God, Oh my God!!!” Jeff screamed. “Why did it do that?!?!” Then, something hit him. It was the answer as to why he was there in the first place. Bears in the area don’t like their homes disturbed. Jeff knew he had to go back and get the equipment, after all it wasn’t his equipment. He waited in his home until it was seven thirty and drove back to the plain.

He spotted the tent with his flashlight and saw the bear. The bear was eating the food Jeff had packed for the trip.

“Huhuh” Jeff sighed. The bear started to find Jeff’s scent. The bear was right next to Jeff. The bear bellowed a war cry. Jeff ran for his life. He tripped on a tree root. The bear caught up. Jeff crossed his arms in protection. Jeff looked at the bear. It looked puzzled. Jeff lowered his arms, and the bear sniffed Jeff.

“What?” Jeff asked himself. Jeff got up and walked around. The bear followed. He went back to the campsite and gathered the equipment and put it in his truck; the bear continued to follow. Jeff went to sit down by the lake. Exhausted from running he decided to rest by the lake for the night. When he woke up, the bear was still beside him. He walked to his truck; the bear followed. He opened the truck door. The bear started to whimper.

“Don’t cry,” Jeff pleaded. The bear looked up at Jeff with big brown eyes. “How about you come to the lab for a while” Jeff said to the bear. Jeff gave the bear a push to move him into the back of the truck. Jeff closed the tailgate door and sped down the road.

When Jeff arrived at the lab, he gently gave the bear a push to get him out of the truck. “Kelly look what I’ve got,” Jeff announced.

“Oh my God!” Kelly screamed. “You brought a bear to the lab?” Kelly asked Jeff.

“Yep” Jeff replied.

“This is great we’ll be able to get so much research done on this area!” Kelly excitedly screamed.

“Yeah,” Jeff said sadly

“What’s wrong?” Kelly asked.

“Well I brought the bear home because it looked like it was miserable in the wilderness,” Jeff responded.

“Oh, well we don’t have to examine this bear. If there’s one, there are one hundred,” said Kelly.

“OK” Jeff responded.

“I would take the bear back to where you found and release it” Kelly wisely said.

“Alright, come on” Jeff said to the bear. Jeff hopped into his truck and went back to the plain for the final time. He released the bear and said his good-byes to the bear and watched it walk off into the sunset. Jeff drove home relaxed and tired. When he arrived at his home, there was a mysterious looking letter taped to his door. He opened it.

Dear Jeff,

I know you miss the bear. It will be fine on its own, don’t worry about it! You were probably afraid of the bear when you first saw it, now you treat it like it’s your best friend. Take care! Visit the bear often!


Jeff sighed, went in his house, walked up the stairs, walked into his room and fell onto his bed and went to sleep.